The long-overdue amends

We’ve all heard it once or twice in the news or read it in an Instagram story that we have around 11-12 years to change the planet before the ice caps melt and the turtles disappear, before the planet crashes and burns. The doomsday clock is closer than ever to striking 12 and we are at the edge of catastrophe.
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The media and politics may have distracted us by playing the blame game and pointing fingers at matters that are less pressing. The responsibility falls on all of us, now, to change. Change our lifestyles. Change even the tiniest habits that we might assume harmless, but when tons of people do tiny acts of harm it affects nature drastically. Climate change is the biggest threat we are facing right now, it may not be obvious, but climate change possesses a much, much bigger threat to humanity than the coronavirus.
We have all learnt about living sustainably in schools, about protecting, and preserving resources for our future generation. With the way that things are going, we might as well be the last generation to walk the planet. We must start thinking about how we will survive the next decade rather than how our future generation will survive.
There are no excuses to back out from your responsibilities even if you live in a apartment in Horamavu for a sale or in a dorm room in Manipal, there’s always some way to be more energy efficient and less carbon toxic in your way of living. Real estate builders in Bangalore are also taking steps towards building sustainably and in an eco-friendly manner.
If we all took responsibility to reduce our carbon footprints as much as possible it would not sound as much like a fantasy to secure a clean, green future. We could start by making homes more eco-friendly, we’ve all been hearing this from when we were kids, but as a gentle reminder, here are a few things you can implement to be more energy efficient and live sustainably
● LED bulbs, light emitting diodes, are energy efficient and last longer. Replace all your CFL and incandescent bulbs with LEDs in all the rooms including your apartments for sale in Gunjur and back at your parents’ house as well. Switch to better lights for a better future.
● Use your washing machine on normal heat settings, this saves a lot of energy. Washing clothes with hot water does not disinfect your clothes, it is a complete myth. Most cloth fabric also sustains damages from the heat. So, do not forget to read the tags on your clothes!
● Draw the curtains during summer, block out the heat rays. Pay attention to your usage of air con. Make sure you use it cautiously and not leave it on for hours.
● Reduce reuse recycle plastic, now with food delivery, there is so much more plastic used regularly. Although most restaurants have switched to eco-friendly packaging, there’s bound to be some plastic in your daily life, be aware of how you dispose of them. If avoiding it completely is not possible try reusing and recycling.
● Make use of eco-friendly home products, there are plenty of new innovative products to use. Hydro flasks, bamboo toothbrushes, etc, and make sure you carry your own shopping bag!
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